The Pleasure of Narrative and Tales: Shedding Light on Global Novels
Writing about novels from the other side of the world carries within it an experience of wandering and travel, discovering new geographies, histories, and unfamiliar customs. It involves the enjoyment of real and fictional tales about spirits dwelling beside a river making its way through vast fields, or an old fortune-teller singing for passers-by and reading their destinies. With each novel comes a different experience, and a long life that reveals its secrets behind the lines.
When Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote his memoir “Living to Tell the Tale,” the shadow of the novel overshadowed the echo of the memoir. The boundaries between reality and the imagination of reality in the memoir blur, and in the novel, we cannot distinguish between fiction and reality.
How many novels have helped us see the dark side within ourselves? How many novels have led us to exciting joys, while others have driven us to tears or madness because they embodied representations of what we once lived?
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